Let's play catch up
It's been quite a while since my last blog and it hasn't been for lack of things to post, it's just been a pretty busy few weeks. Ryan and I took a great trip back to NH the last week of July to Visit friends and family. We had all sort of fun. Kayaking with my parnets. Visits with my grandparents and Aunt. Friends of mine who made the trip from Pennsylvania to spend a weekend wth us. Tattoo convention. Great BBQ. Super dinner and ritas in Portsmouth with my folks. Really wonderful home cooked meal with many friends. Swimming in the pool. Disc golf NH and MA style. Geocashing. It was a great trip.
We had only been back in Portland for 5 days when we headed down the coast to spend some time with Ryan's folks. Another good time. His mom helped me out with a cool purse that will probably be a holiday gift for someone. His dad made some great smoked tuna (amongst some other great meals). We started a batch of Pino Noir wine...mmm. Spend some more time checking out the beautiful Oregon coast. Another good visit. From there we went directly to Bend, Oregon where we played the Lava Launch disc golf tournament. I'm proud to say I took my first Oregon Series win, woo hoo!
We got back into Portland late Sunday night, and since then have played 4 courses that we hadn't played yet. It's always exciting to play new courses. It's especially nice to have so many new courses to play. Definitely living in a good place for golf. In that time I've also picked many, many pounds of blackberries on the disc golf course in Dabney State Park and just yesterday started a batch of blackberry wine. Best way to bottle summer!
In just a few days we head out again for Southern Oregon to do some camping and rafting with Ryan's folks and some of their friends. With any luck, we'll arrive back in Portland in one piece (or two pieces...one for each of us) on the 22nd or 23rd with couch in tow and just in time to pick up my good friend Jocey and her beau from the airport. Then we embark with them on two back to back backpacking trips (that was fun to say) that will bring us through September 2nd or so.
Phew...so it's been busy, and it's going to keep on being busy. I'll do my best to post more often, but no promises. At least not until September when things calm down a bit.
Cape Blanco

Photos by Pam, hand modeling by Ryan