And we're off!
First thing this morning I awoke to this picture mail from Jerry. I think it's going to be a good day, through and through. The last week or so has been really busy because I've been trying to get some things sorted out in the lab before my birthday trip to Snowater resort in Glacier, WA with Jerry, Brian, Ryan and Bob. Nothing is currently working in the lab the way its supposed to. The Archaeal qPCR primers aren't working with the bioreactor DNA. The new DAPI isn't staining the neucleic acid for some reason. And the primer design software is so primative that I'd be better off just pulling an amoA gene sequence out of my butt than using it to design primers. That, and I'm pretty sure that when I finally check on the PCR-SSCP that I've been running for two days, it will have failed too. I just think the DNA is too degraded. But not even that will put a damper on today. Nope, today is my birthday, and Jerry and Brian will be flying in tonight from San Diego. I could ask for no better present! And tommorrow, we're all off to Glacier! The resort accomodations include no TV, no phone, and no internet. No outside-world distractions, just good friends, good food, and good fun!