If you spend time really looking around a grocery store, you'll find some pretty gross meat items. Who eats beef brains, or pickled pig feet anyway? Well, what I saw on the shelf today may just take the cake for being the most disturbing meat item I’ve found in a supermarket. (An American market anyway. I’ve seen some pretty nasty things at the Vietnamese market.) On the shelf next to the Spam were cans of “Potted Meat Food Product.” First of all… “potted”? Don’t the Libby people mean “canned”? Then it is “meat food.” Not simply “meat.” And the “product” part scares me a bit too. Still, what I saw when I started reading the ingredients list was even scarier. Apparently this can contained pork, turkey, chicken, and beef. It was like the arc of the “food product” industry. “Bring me bits of each of your tastiest animals.” Gross!

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