Stupid Shoes = Good Laugh
I'm sorry, but if you're a woman (or a man) wearing sky-high, stiletto heel shoes and you fall down, I AM going to laugh at you. Out loud. And I’m not going to feel bad about it either, even when you glare are me indignantly from your knees on the pavement. If I had had my camera phone out, I would even have even considered taking your picture while you struggled to get up and straighten yourself out. Supposedly you did the risk/reward analysis when you bought the stupid shoes. You decided that the risk of finding yourself on your knees (or ass) on the pavement while onlookers like myself laughed a laugh of superiority was worth taking because the shoes made your butt look good in your painted-on capri jeans. It’s not my fault that you can’t walk in those things, talk on your cell phone, and carry your Starbucks coffee all at the same time. It’s just lucky for you that you stuff so much useless crap into that faux Gucci handbag of yours that it cushioned you fall. Otherwise you may have broken one of your airbrushed acrylic nails, and that, indeed, would have made you look silly.