Delicious Irony
Last night I watched the movie, ‘Ravenous,’ with a few friends. It’s a dark quazi-comedy about cannibalism at an army post in the Western Sierra Nevada before the gold rush of 1849. Movie critic Rob Blackwelder described the film best when he claimed it to be “Dances with Wolves meets the Donner Party.” (The “Donner Party” was the name given to a group of over 90 wagon train emigrants who became trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the winter of 1846-47. Nearly half of the party died, and some resorted to eating their dead in an effort to survive.)
Anyway, when the movie ended and the credits began to roll, something on the screen stood out:
Catering: Tim De’ath
The catering for a movie about cannibalism was done by a guy whose last name is essentially “Death!” This had to have been some sort twisted joke, right? Wrong. I had to look it up to make sure. Mr. De’ath turns out to be a catering manager for movie sets and has apparently done several other films including Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace. The irony couldn’t possibly have been lost on whoever did the hiring for the caterer. Simply having the name ‘Mr. De’ath was probably all the qualification he needed. Ah, the delicious irony!

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