Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birthday Yum

My birthday was back on September 18th. It was a Tuesday. Weekday birthdays aren't as much fun as weekend ones. People work and can't stay out late. Being a student, I have a flexible schedule...not everyone else is so lucky. Had a low key, but enjoyable evening at home. Had a few friends over for a BBQ. I had called it a BYOM (M is for meat) event and was going to pick up something for Ryan and I on my drive home from work. I was about to pull into the market when Ryan called to tell me not to. Our friend Jeff had apparently gone a little overboard at the store himself, and said there was plenty for all. And he was right. He brought over four of the biggest steaks I'd ever seen. In this picture, you might be tempted to think I have a small, cheap grill. No. It's a full size grill. The steaks are just so big they make the grill look puny. Mmmm...birthdays are yummy. Thanks Jeff, for bringing the cow!


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