One Big 'n Nasty Please.
My mom is funny. Especially when she doesn't know she's being funny. I talked to my father on the phone today and he told me a funny story. Him and my mom were trying to get some holiday shopping done at the mall last weekend and stopped at McDonalds for lunch. My mom walked up to the counter and ordered a "Big 'n Nasty." Of course she meant to order a "Big 'n Tasty" but her subconscious must have taken over. I wish I could have been there to see the look on the cashier’s face.

On a related note, it may as well be called the “Big ‘n Nasty.” The thing has 470 calories! Couple that with a large fries and coke and you've got an artery-clogging 1350 calorie meal! That’ll put your waistline on its way to “Big ‘n Nasty” status real quick!
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