Last minute nomination
Yesterday I ran into the head of the department in the hallway and he informed me that I, and one other student, were being nominated for some type of scholarship. He wanted to make sure I'd be around the next few days because there's a lot of paperwork to put together. I got the official award nomination packet via email today. I have to work on a research and career interest statement, polish up my CV, track down undergrad and grad transcripts, get my supporting letters...all by Wednesday. The scholarship is a long shot, and it seems odd to have to drop everything for a few days to work on this, but it is still nice to be nominated. There are two majors offered in our department (environmental science and engineering, and biochemistry and molecular biology) and a student was nominated form each. It's a honor just to know that the department got together and collectively decided that of all the students here, I stand the best chance of getting this award. Like I said, this is a long shot, but regardless, even just being nominated for this is CV-worthy in itself, so it's not a bad deal...even if I do have to drop everything and figure this stuff out ASAP.