Do it again for the first time
With the school's merger came new policies. Before, us at the West campus sort of flew under the radar as far as our medical records and compliance was concerned. Now we're all required to show proof of immunization, and get tested for TB and hepatitis etc. That's what happens when you merge with a med school I guess. I had already gotten my first skin injection for the TB test a few months ago. Of course, I forgot to go back 3 days later to have the test read. That means I have to do it again...for the "first time." One clear test isn't enough for the compliance people either. We need to have two. So today I went to the primate center where some folks were sticking us again. No my favorite part of my day. Hopefully I'll remember to go in to have it read on Friday. I don't want to do it a third time for the first time.
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