Best Foot Forward?
On January 13th, I woke up early to play a monthly disc golf tournament at the Sun Valley Disc Golf Course in La Mesa, CA. The tournament started at 8am. I’m not much of a morning person, so when the alarm went off, I stumbled around with my eyes half open, found clothes and shoes, brushed my teeth, and headed out. I’m much like a zombie in the morning. If I met Abe Lincoln before I’ve had some caffeine and at least an hour of being upright, I’d probably forget it ever happened.
So I got to the disc golf course, did a couple of practice drives and practice putts, and then the first round started. After putting out on the 5th hole of play, I was walking to the next tee thinking to myself, “Gee, I think my right shoe is untied, it feels a lot looser than the left one.” I looked down to check on the lace situation only to be confronted with this:

I was wearing one each of two different pairs of shoes! An adidas running show on my left foot, and a keen hiking shoe on the right. I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the tournament. Every time I’d go to line up a putt, I’d look down at my feet and laugh. I’ve done a lot of dumb things in my morning haze before. I’ve even had morning-induced dressing mishaps like walking out of the house with my shirt on inside out. But that seems to be a fairly common blunder among folk. I’ve caught others with inside-out clothing before, but never with two different shoes on. This will probably go down as my worst morning blunder ever.
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