The Red Sox sweep the World Series...(and I proudly eat my taco!)
For the second time in four years, the Red Sox win the World Series, and they do so in dramatic fashion...sweeping the Rockies in the series, 4 games to none.
Today, the triumphant Sox celebrate in Boston with their fans in a parade-like party. I, on the other hand, am celebrating clear across the country by eating a taco. Taco Bell offered a free taco to everyone in America from 2-5 pm on October 30th if someone stole a base in the World Series. As I eat my taco, I have a big smile on my face. My Sox are victorious! And Jocoby Ellsbury (who incidentally is an Oregon boy) stole a base. Thanks for the taco Jacoby. And thanks for a great season Sox. What a great time to be a Boston fan!

Get out of the office at 4..head to the gym...home at 4:45...see that Chris has gotten her taco...realize I will NEVER get to the nearest Taco Bell...stomp my foot...then smile least one of us got a taco!!!
Hope it was good, and yes! Thank Jacoby!!
Hey! I was yakking with my sister today. She said today is "Jacoby" day in Madras (where Jacoby is from~his parents actually live behind my sister). Alan (Ryan's cousin) was to drive the car that Jacoby was riding in during the parade. Also...this is the best part...since Madras doesn't have a Taco Bell (free taco's), the team wrote a big fat check to the local kids club! thought you might wanna know
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