Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How not to drink tea

I drink a lot of tea at the lab. Everyone does. It's a tea culture at OGI. We have a water spout in the kitchen that spits out 190 degree water so there's no boiling necessary. Well, last Thursday I walked down to the tea fountain, filled my mug, added tea and honey, and walked back to the lab. Before I made it back to my desk where I was going to put down the tea to cool, I got involved in a conversation with a lab mate. 1 minute into the conversation, I had forgotten the tea hadn't cooled, and took a big sip. Ooowww! Scalding hot water burning the roof of my mouth. Sure it hurt, but I do dumb stuff like that all the time. I had no idea that 5 days later I'd still be paying for this mistake. Huge blisters had formed. Sunday they burst. Eewww! And ever since then it's been more painful than before. Eating is the worst, but drinking isn't a picnic either. Stay away from anything citrus! Toast is a no go. Anything you need to bite pieces off of, like a sandwich, is misery. Even breathing through my mouth is painful. I'll think I'll be sticking to water at the lab for a while.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Pam said...

yogurt? jello? pudding? iced chai?



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