Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Yup, it's true. Ryan and I have joined a bowling league. It starts in a few weeks and we're pretty excited about it. A fellow PhD student (and Shamrock Run runner) in my department got 6 people together and we formed a team. We've called ourselves "The Pin Pals" (yes, like Homer Simpson's bowling team.) We'll be drinking beer and bowling on Thursday nights through mid June. Beats the usual Thursday night routine of staying late at the lab and watching TV. None of us are experienced bowlers. I played on Sunday night and shot a 96, a 114, and a 128. In the 114 round I alternated between shooting strikes and shooting zeros. But regardless it will be fun, and it's another excuse to make team shirts.

Oh, and it's 10-pin bowling, aka "big ball bowling." That's what we used to call it back in New Hampshire. We called it "big ball bowling" to differentiate it from "candlepin bowling." And for the last time, NO, I'm NOT making this up! Candlepin bowling exists! Apparently it's primarily a New England thing. The pins are skinny like candles, not fat like the "duckpins" in 10-pin. The balls are smaller with no finger holes, and you get three shots, not two. I've been asking EVERYONE around here if they've heard of it. They all think I'm crazy and that I'm making it up. No one from the Western or Central U.S. has heard of it. I even asked someone from New Jersey thinking an East coaster would know of it, but no. Anyway, read all about good 'ole New England style candlepin bowling at Wiki:


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Bowling! whoo hoo! how fun is that! Can't wait to hear the stories that will no doubt be coming up.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger 00000 said...

Omg, I miss candlepin bowling!! It's real, I back you girl. I can't believe you formed a team, go Pin Pals!!! That's awesome! Have a blast.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Christine said...

ya, and it's primarily northern new england, the closer to Canada, the more likely you'll find someone that knows about it! The closest think to it is duckpin bowling, which I think you can find in Ohio of all places.
Even still, I'll take ten-pin over nothing, but to me, it'll never be 'real' bowling :)


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