I Like Gardening

OK, maybe I should clarify. I like the idea of gardening, the practice is an entirely different story. We've got a 6 foot strip along the back of the house that's planted with strawberries. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like any one's weeded or thinned the bed in years. Tonight I thought I'd give it a shot. I thought I'd weed it, and then thin it out by transplanting some plants to pots that I'd bring and replant in my garden plot at school. I started weeding, but that was really hard to do without pulling out strawberries in the process because they're all so packed together. I did the best I could, but kept getting this weird foamy white stuff on my arms. I looked it up. Apparently it's from something called a spittle bug. Aptly named, right? Yuck! And then there were the spiders. I pulled out this one huge weed and its whole root ball came up with it. It was right along the house's foundation. When the root ball came out, about 30 3/4 inch fat black spiders came pouring out and climbed up the foundation, then froze in their tracks. It was like they were all staring at me and giving me the evil eye (or eyes) for destroying their nest. Ugh! gives me the creeps just thinking about it. So I quit weeding and moved on to replanting a few strawberry plants in little pots. That part went fairly smoothly. I moved the pots to the beds under the bushes in the front yard, and then watered them. The soil bubbled up and the plants started falling over. It was like they were planted in soup and not soil. I thought the little pots had holes in the bottom for excess water to drain. Turns out the "holes" actually need to be punched out first. I grabbed a nail and gently punched out the holes while trying not to pour out the plants and soil in the process. When that was finally done, I had dirt all under my nails. I had taken off the gardening gloves and forgot to put them back on. It's two hours since starting this little escapade, and I'm exhausted. This gardening business is way more work than I thought.