Mexican Adventure
This weekend, my friends Sarah, Lexene, and I went on an adventure. We piled into Sarah’s car and headed into Mexico. We stopped and had a fantastic lobster and shrimp lunch in Puerto Nuevo and then continued South about 20 miles past Ensenada and drove another hour or so down a little dirt road towards the Pacific. The road ended at an estuary by the beach with a campground (and I use that word very, very loosely) where we spent the night. We gathered driftwood, started a bonfire, and drank a few Dos XXs. There were a few locals camping, families mostly, and we could only imagine what they were thinking of the three gringo chicas camping together sin hombres across the field.
We woke up bright and early Sunday and had breakfast and did some shopping in Ensenada. While out and about, Sarah’s car was broken into and some of my camping gear was stolen. None of my gear was irreplaceable, but there were some clothes in my bag that I’m pretty bummed out about having to part with (camo sundress). The thieves bypassed a cell phone and sunglasses sitting in the backseat and stole only one thing: my backpacking pack. Aside from annoying things like my toothbrush, deodorant, and hairbrush, the bag had my sleeping bag and sleeping bag liner in it. Both were barely a year old. But things are only that…things, and there’s no use in getting upset over material goods. Unfortunately, I’ll have to replace some camping gear, and Sarah will have to replace a window in her car, but we’re not too upset. We had a great trip regardless. Here are a few pictures:
The dirt road towards the beach

Oil drums at the "campsite"

View from the campsite in the fog

Neat foot bridge

Nice. I had forgotton all about that bag. And no, unfortunately it was my newer, larger Kelty Redwing pack.
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